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Bell Ringers

Bell Ringers

Contact: Neil Clare

How about joining Somerton’s own team of bell ringers?… Why?

  • A good team activity!
  • When it goes well, it sounds really lovely!
  • Mix of physical and cerebral exercise,
  • Keeping the tradition running,
  • Opportunity to explore our historic church buildings.

On 4th March at the Festival of Somerton everyone can have a go at chiming a bell between 10 and11 am ! We will then be doing a ringing demonstration at 11am, and then intermittently between 11-2pm

Belling ringing at Somerton has been an activity since the 17c, with the earliest bell date 1635.

Nowadays we have practise evenings every Thursday, starting at:

  • 7:00 pm for people learning to ring
  • 7:30 pm for those more accomplished in the art.

Currently we ring at either Somerton and North Aston; note for the last Thursday of the month, we make a point of being at Lower Heyford. You are most welcome to come and join or watch us practising. We intend to practise at other churches in the Cherwell Benefice in the future.

We plan to ring in May to celebrate the King’s coronation, though we do need more bell ringers to achieve this at all the churches in our benefice. You can get in touch via or just come along and join us when you hear the bells!

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