The Somerton device located at the Village Hall is registered on “The Circuit” the national defibrillator network that provides a national overview of where defibrillators can be found and is funded by British Heart Foundation.
Hopefully you will never need to use the devise but its a good idea to make sure you know where it is and what you will need to do in an emergency.
If someone is unresponsive and not breathing, Call 999, start CPR and get someone to find the defibrillator. Further information on CPR from BHF can be viewed below:
CPR Training Videos
If you’re on your own, don’t interrupt the CPR to go and get a defibrillator. If it’s possible, send someone else to find one. When you call 999, the operator can tell you if there’s a public access defibrillator nearby and will provide the code to open the door of the cabinet.
You do not need training to use a defibrillator. Although they can vary, they all function in broadly the same way.
The device gives clear, spoken instructions and will not deliver a shock unless it is needed. |
If you would like to have a look at how to use a device, BHF have a video available on their website, see link below:
How to use a Defibrillator device
The Defibrillator in Somerton was purchased by the Parish Council and is located at the Village Hall. (you need a code to open the door, which the 999 operator will give you)
Hopefully you will find the videos from the BHF sufficient, if you think there is a further need for hands on training or you have any questions, then please do get it touch with the Parish council via the Clerk: |